Movie Reviews

Saturday, August 13, 2011

India Day 4 Photos!

       These are some photos I took when we went to the Purana Qila Fort. Truth be told, this castle is hogging the world's beauty all to itself. I'll never forget the time I spent inside it.
                We are just about to enter Purana Qila and I can't help but be rude. I just kept staring.

I like taking black and white photos. But when I was taking these photos I wasn't aware that the B&W was selected. But they came out pretty awesome.
This art style is all to familiar. The curves and the designs can, undoubtedly, all be found in the Taj Mahal. Shah Jahan didn't really want to move out of his comfort zone, did he? No biggie, I can look at them all day.

I love the way nature works in conjunction with this splendid piece of work.
 A very artistic and boldly created well. You really don't want to trip and fall into it. I can't believe things like this actually exist. 

I love simple things but I could make an exception or two.
Right place at the right time. 

Prison Area. I would be scared if I was placed in here to be disciplined.

What you know about style? I now think I know nothing.

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