Movie Reviews

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Something new

        For a couple of months now I've been on this Hindi music and movies phase. I think Hindi is one of the world's most beautiful languages and I want to be able to speak it fluently one day. This phase had good timing. Watching all these movies and listening to the music really helped out on my trip to New Delhi. The citizens there primarily speak Hindi so I was able to understand a couple of things they said and I was better equipped to answer back. Cool huh? But now, I think I watched one movie too much. They're getting a little repetitive and that interest that was once in full bloom faded a little bit. I think its time to go on to something new. I'm not abandoning it for good but I'm just giving it a break. Maybe sometime in the future, I'll get back into it. I need something a little different. 
        I follow a couple of blogs on YouTube and as I was watching one of them, CTFxC, I was introduced to this new band called Explosions in the Sky. I was listening to the song that was playing in the background and I immediately got hooked. It's just the type of music that grips me, trance instrumentals. I think this is the first time I'm listening to American Post-Rock and I'm excited. Right now, I'm downloading all of their albums and putting them all on my iPod. As for the music already on it, I think it's best to move them. I think I listened to each of those songs so many times that I drained the feeling right out of them. You know, the rush that floods your body when the music picks up. That's my drug. 

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